Case Study

Transition to Single Billing Office Accelerates Cash, Increases Guest Pay by 250%

  • Customer: Academic health system
  • Challenge: Make patient bills easier to understand and accelerate cash by implementing Epic’s Single Billing Office (SBO) module


  • $13.6 million cash acceleration
  • 250% increase in MyChart Guest Pay Collection
  • 50% decrease in bad debt vendors


An academic healthcare system in the Southeast wanted to make it easier for patients to understand their bills. And, they wanted to do it faster than the three years it took their sister organization. The system challenged Tegria to help them bring together their physician organization and their hospital—each with separate organizational, operational, and IT structures—to implement Epic’s Single Billing Office (SBO) module.  

Prior to Tegria’s engagement, both the hospital and professional billing groups were highly functional and experienced with their own Epic billing office modules that had been implemented in 2012. Migrating to Epic’s more patient-friendly SBO module meant incorporating unified banking relationships, treasury practices, patient billing practices, policies, and workflows.  


Tegria conducted an extensive review of the people, processes, and technology associated with the hospital and professional billing offices. Tegria’s experts then collaborated with the organization’s leadership team to create a road map for conversion, develop tailored solutions, and validate those solutions. The 11-month engagement was divided into overlapping phases which focused on: 

  • Planning and staffing analysis 
  • Comprehensive workflow review  
  • Building, testing, and validation of future solutions 
  • Training and education  
  • Go-live and stabilization 
phases of transitioning to single business office


Consolidation of hospital and professional billing groups to implement Epic’s SBO delivered:  

  • $13.6 million cash acceleration 
  • 250% increase in MyChart Guest Pay Collection 
  • 50% decrease in bad debt vendors 

Is Epic’s Single Billing Office module right for you?