Case Study

Epic EHR Optimization Saves Clinician Time, Increases Efficiency

  • Customer: California-based health organization
  • Challenge: Optimize new Epic EHR to save clinicians time and help staff work at top of license


  • Saved clinicians 10-20 minutes per day
  • Eliminated 58+ tasks for clinicians
  • Decreased In Basket message volume by nearly 1,000 messages per day

Each member of the [Tegria] team brings a wealth of technical and operational knowledge and truly partners with us on any challenges that arise. The team also has a vested interest in helping to develop metrics and processes to support the sustainment of changes implemented.


A California-based healthcare organization successfully transitioned to Epic; but with five hospitals, 19 outpatient facilities, half a million patients annually, and 2,600 affiliated physicians, the new system was a lot to manage. Over the first several months, discontent regarding efficiencies and outcomes began to grow, prompting leadership to explore ways to address the challenges they were facing with their new EHR system. Their top goals were to save clinicians time, redefine scope of practice, and allow staff to work to the top of their license.


An integrated team of Tegria experts assessed the challenge areas and determined root causes, then recommended improvements. For example, existing policies were creating unnecessary administrative work and slowing down patient task turnaround time. Tegria developed a two- to three-year strategic roadmap to address the organizational and system changes needed to optimize the EHR build and save time.

Restrictive daily roles and responsibilities were pushing administrative work to providers instead of support staff. The organization meticulously reviewed and clarified daily tasks for 15 different support roles, then worked with Tegria experts to update the scope of practice to include more than 70 additional tasks for support staff. This process identified more than 58 tasks providers would no longer need to do and immediately began saving them time.

Tegria also helped to streamline and train users on In Basket, Epic’s messaging and daily task management application. Most clinicians were unclear on how to divide responsibilities among staff members and efficiently address messages that needed clinician input. Working with Epic and the organization to streamline the system decreased system message volume by nearly 1,000 messages per day and removed approximately 3 million messages that did not need provider intervention. To further reduce clicks for providers, clinical support staff, and coders, Tegria analyzed and updated orders preference lists and charging workflows.


With a strategic roadmap in place, the healthcare organization was able to fully commit to sustained organizational change. Small, iterative wins throughout the process for clinicians empowered users to feel more in control of their use of Epic.

The organization’s VP said, “I am impressed with [Tegria’s] professionalism and organizational skills in carrying out the workgroup meetings, Epic build, and education for the multiple initiatives that led to an end goal.”

Engagement results include:

  • Saved providers 10-20 minutes per day
  • Eliminated 58+ tasks for providers
  • Decreased In Basket message volume by nearly 1,000 messages per day
  • Trained more than 100 users on In Basket with a 96% satisfaction rate
  • Increased automated charging from Procedure Documentation by 33% within one month of updates to live environment

Ready to save providers time by optimizing your EHR? Tegria can help.