Case Study

New EHR Training and Support Model Increases Efficiency

  • Customer: Bryan Health
  • Challenge: Create a sustainable and efficient EHR training and support model with reduced resources


  • Completed Master Training Environment rebuild ahead of schedule
  • Reduced 68 hours of curriculum to 12 hours
  • Replaced 30 quick start guides in the Learning Home Dashboard with five
  • Replaced 51 tip sheets with seven

Bryan Health, an award-winning nonprofit healthcare organization in Lincoln, Neb., was involved in a two-year project effort to transition three hospitals to Epic. After training 4,800 end users and 400 staff in the six weeks leading up to go-live, they faced a high patient census that came with a flu epidemic — almost 200 new nurses and 300 nursing students needed training.

Bryan Health needed a sustainable way to maintain quality EHR training with reduced resources. They sought consultants with expertise in Master Training Environment (MST), e-learning, and Learning Home Dashboard optimization who could easily pick out training process inefficiencies and compliance/reimbursement opportunities.


Tegria experts started the engagement by mapping out a long-term training transition project and immediately uncovered and resolved red flags for the upcoming Epic go-live. As trainer turnover mounted, Tegria helped to stand up a nursing student program, assisted with Clin Doc-credentialed trainer onboarding and management, and developed a project plan for the stabilization phase.

Post go-live, Tegria experts onboarded and mentored several new training team members including the training manager. While stabilizing the team, Tegria addressed specialty-specific issues. They prioritized training for the surgical specialties due to their high volume of chart deficiencies and rapidly changing workflows. Surgical nurses and managers were educated on surgical workflow and upcoming changes.

In preparation for their first upgrade, Tegria mentored the Bryan Health team in cleaning up the provider Learning Home Dashboards, updating training and performance support materials, creating a Curriculum Tracker and Credentialed Trainer Prep Tool, and recording seven upgrade microlearning videos for providers. Later in the engagement, the partners focused on ongoing optimization training for end users. An on site e-learning boot camp taught four Principal Trainers how to produce consistent, high-quality videos faster while saving Bryan Health over $1,500 in travel and expenses. Another initiative replaced one hour of class with 15 minutes of e-learning for medical students.


Bryan Health balanced the peaks and valleys of their large go-live event and pivoted successfully between implementation and stabilization. With a firm training foundation in place, they can scale programmatically to their facilities and future sites and more effectively handle Epic’s iterative release cycles. Results of the engagement include:

  • Completed Master Training Environment rebuild ahead of schedule
  • Reduced 68 hours of curriculum to 12 hours
  • Replaced 30 quick start guides in the Learning Home Dashboard with five
  • Replaced 51 tip sheets with seven
  • Created eight videos: seven microlearning upgrade videos and one medical student EUPA video that enables practical assessment without any class time

Does your EHR training need a refresh?