Case Study

MEDITECH Expanse Implementation Improves Stability and Alignment

  • Customer: Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center
  • Challenge: Set up on-premises hosting infrastructure, then implement and support MEDITECH Expanse


  • Infrastructure build and EHR implementation completed under budget 
  • Seamless handoff with unhindered access for all users 
  • Post-implementation application and reporting support

One of the things that’s powerful about having Tegria as a partner is that they bring expertise in many specific areas. We run lean and mean like I think most critical access hospitals do, and we’re able to expand our capacity with their expertise.

EMMETT MCBRIDEDirector of Technology, Cobre Valley RMC

The leadership team at Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center (CVRMC), a small, community medical center in eastern Arizona, wanted to upgrade their EHR platform to MEDITECH Expanse to improve system mobility and integration. They sought a partner with an established relationship with MEDITECH to help create a strategic plan and provide all necessary support and consulting services before, during, and after the implementation.  

Moving to a fully mobile, web-based EHR would take CVRMC’s technical infrastructure to the next level and establish a long-term EHR solution. It also would challenge the capacity of their in-house IT staff to deliver mandatory reporting and support myriad advanced applications.


Tegria experts started the engagement working closely with CVRMC on hardware infrastructure build. The team then focused on setting realistic goals for the project and making plans to augment CVRMC’s in-house staff. Tegria focused on the primary team but also developed training for all staff. 
In addition to handling weekly MEDITECH calls, Tegria created a communication model that enabled all interested parties to communicate on-demand to address emergent concerns. This meeting framework accommodated team members in multiple time zones and avoided interrupting busy schedules. Tegria’s one-on-one approach with CVRMC team members saved time and trouble, delivering targeted key knowledge in focused, three-minute conversations. 

Post-implementation, CVRMC and Tegria designed a managed services contract to supplement the capacity and expertise of in-house IT staff. Tegria specialists handle Tier 2 MEDITECH support and third-party application support, and are always available to tackle mandatory reporting requirements such as clinical quality measurements.  

“I don’t have to have … a specialist who knows how to meet those requirements or do that build because Tegria can bring that resource,” said CVRMC Director of Technology Emmett McBride. 


CVRMC successfully completed the infrastructure build and implementation of MEDITECH Expanse under budget, yielding available resources to reinvest into their community medical center. All CVRMC teams experienced a seamless handoff with unhindered access to the new EHR. Tegria specialists engaged post-implementation now ease the burden on in-house IT staff via a managed services contract that includes application and reporting support.

Do you need an EHR infrastructure and implementation expert? Tegria can help.