
Gain Insight and Focus With a Patient Access Assessment

Optimizing your contact center is hard work.

You know. The pandemic forced you to act fast. Now as employee shortages and costs rise, you need to uncover cost savings and capacity opportunities for long-term success. We believe an assessment is the first step to identifying gaps and uncovering opportunities.   

Ready to build or optimize? 

We understand efficiency, which is why we have helped many HCOs expand patient and family access, accelerate telehealth availability, provide first-touch service for scheduling and care needs, and improve appointment timeliness to increase productivity.  

Our Patient Access Growth & Retention team is composed of builders, operators, clinicians, and implementers who can remotely assess a broad range of strategy, operations, digital health, and technology needs.

We can look at any of these areas: 

What you can expect from our assessments:

  • Current state patient journey maps
  • Existing bottlenecks and points of friction
  • Data, data, and more data
  • Performance against industry benchmarks and peer institutions
  • Strategic improvement roadmap with short-, medium-, and long-term objectives
  • Plans for launching a patient contact center that actually delivers

Ready to learn more?